Frequently Asked Questions


Items that are "ready to ship" will be shipped within 3-5 business days.

It is the buyer's responsibility to ensure the packages are being sent to a secure address. On any returned packages, the customer is to repay the shipping cost before the item can be shipped back. 

Always Handmade

All of our products are hand-made with lots of love. Every material is hand-sourced and quality checked. I primarily use preserved elements of nature that are 100% natural. Please keep in mind each piece's uniqueness as every wing, flower and crystal differentiate in size, vibrance and fine detail from one another. 

Jewelry Care

Our intention is for your jewelry to last a lifetime, please take care. Remember to remove before entering water, physical activity and sleeping. Do not bend- lay flat, hang or store in a closed jewelry holder. Store out of direct sunlight and avoid high temperatures. Polish with a polish cloth when needed.

If you are ever in need of a repair, contact us here.

Custom Creations

Have a vision that you want to bring to life? Contact me herePrice and timing will depending on the project- if you have a certain date you would like it by, include it and I will try my best to meet it. 

If you see an existing piece that you love but want to switch the hardware on (e.g. silver earring hooks to gold earring hooks) please reach out and we will determine if we can do this for you.

If you have an issue with your order, please include order number in your email to alchemized.nature@gmail.com or contact us here.

Thank you!